Areas of activity The law firm“Bozheku Criminal lawyers”provides assistance in the fields of criminal law and, in particular: Corruption and others crimes against the public administration Bankruptcy and others bankrupt offences Tax evasion and others tax crimes Calumny and others offences against the administration of justice Negligenth omicide and others offences relating to professional liability and accidents at work Swindle and others crimes against the heritage, economy and public faith Unpermitted construction and other crimes relating to building matter Crimes relating to agroindustrial matter Agiotage, insider trading and others financial offences Illegal trafficking in waste and other environmental offences Receiving stolen goods, laundering and related offences Computer crimes Defamation and others crimes againsth onor, reputation and privacy Crimes against persons Medical malpractice Organised crime offences Road traffic offences Offences relating to drugs Offences in customs matters Liability of the companies for the crimes of administrators and employees and compliance programs Preventive measures European arrest warrant Appeals to the European Court of Human Rights